A New Series on Apologetices … Lesson #1Q5 . If you are Born of God,[Baptized?] deception and commentary ARE you a Child of God? John 1:12; Rom. 8:16. John 1:12 “But as many as received him, he gave them power to be made the sons of God, to them that believe in his name” Once again we have a different version of “by Faith Alone.” A very believable and powerful message when taken out of context. patrick j miron deception and commentary They trend to the first teaching but at times ignore that it is clearly a “conditional offer.” Then even if they accept that its “conditional,” they claim an unwarranted right to define for themselves what the conditions are. Not permitting God to “be in charge”; and therefore they commonly miss the actual teaching God requires. This is a great example of US needing to know what is true; and how to prove it. Rom. 8:16 “For the Spirit himself giveth testimony to our spirit, that we are the sons of God. ” Keep in mind the question being asked: cf. “DO YOU have the Spirit of God living in you?” … I’d bet nearly 100%claim that they do? patrick j miron deception and commentary Response: But even if they do, how do they know for sure? My guess is that the answer has something to do with “Speaking in Tongues” which they commonly hold as the “end-all” of all Spiritual Gifts. patrick j miron deception and commentary So are they saying that “if one does not have the Gift of tongues”; the HS is NOT with them? no patrick j miron that is not it--( tongues is a sign for the "unbeliver") Yes, I think that is often their point; and it’s wrong! patrick j miron deception and commentary That is NOT what Paul actually teaches: 1Cor.12 Verses 26 to 31”If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it. And God has appointed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then workers of miracles, then healers, helpers, administrators, speakers in various [LAST Listed] kinds of tongues. Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? Do all possess gifts of healing? Do all speak with tongues? [NO is implied] Do all interpret? But earnestly desire the higher gifts. And I will show you a still more excellent way.” AND 1st.Cor. 14: Verses 5, 13 “Now I want you all to speak in tongues, but even more to prophesy. He who prophesies is greater than he who speaks in tongues, unless some one interprets, ( editor this is not hard to do) so that the church may be edified. Therefore, he who speaks in a tongue should pray for the power to interpret.” Speaking in tongues is a good thing; made far better when they or someone else can interpret it “for the benefit of the church. ” I know only a few catholics who are so Blessed. This stems from the fact that it is not a Gift we ask for from the HS, enough. patrick j miron deception and commentary We certainly do NOT wish to claim that The Holy Spirit is NOT In some manner available to our Protestant brethren . patrick j miron deception and commentary He may well be with them is some manner? BUT not in the fullness that He is within the Catholic Church and our Sacraments, (EDitor yes the catholic church has the most MAN-MADE Religious triditions that were developed and added to the TORAH -- and the work of God is specific-- nothing to be add or taken away) patrick j miron deception and commentary and especially in it’s Informed and fully practicing members. READ: John 14:165-17 and fulfilled in John 20:22. Christ made this promise to ONLY His Catholic Church. But God in Divine Justice can be with those who out if involuntary ignorance [NOT of there own choice or doing]; do worship God as best and as fully as they are able to do so. We’ll end this First Lesson in our new Series here. Continued Blessing. READ the bible and pray often! Patrick68
Mar 26, '12, 5:09 pm
What might we know [Biblically] but not know?
As a life long Catholic I regullary encounter unbelief in this or
that from the bible. Ocassionaly from catholics and with GREAT regularty
from other Christians.
What teachings of Christ can be self-determined? PLEASE be specifc and give a reason for your position. And what teachings of Christ "don't mean what they say/" And WHY not? God Bless, Pat
PJM http://working4christ2.wordpress.com Can we partake of God's GLORY and NOT partake of His PASSION? NO! A.B. Fulton Sheen: "The truth is the truth even if nobody believes it, and a lie is still a lie, even if everybody believes it." |
Re: What might we know [Biblically] but not know?
Sorry I'm not directly answering the question. Just wanted to say
that I just try to obey the Church that Jesus Christ gave us. I know I
usually screw things up when I put my own mind to it, so I say yes to
Jesus and to His Church - the Catholic Church. Not an apologetically
mature position, but it works for me.
This is not to say that scriptural knowledge and apologetics is not important, but I have the starting point that the Church is right, and then work from there, while others work from the premise that the Church is wrong and needs to defend its position. God bless, Bryan
The Lord is kind and merciful. I believe one of God's most under-appreciated gifts to us is the Sacrament of Reconciliation. |
Re: What might we know [Biblically] but not know?
Protestants I would imagine may have difficulty with this. |
Re: What might we know [Biblically] but not know?
He meant what he was saying as far as his correction. But many Protestants take that a face value. And say Jesus said let no man call you Father, he said it, but did not mean not to call any man your Father. |
Re: What might we know [Biblically] but not know?
Self determined.
The Church and I are One. He meant what he said, and it true. |
Re: What might we know [Biblically] but not know?
This is not to say that scriptural knowledge and apologetics is not
important, but I have the starting point that the Church is right, and
then work from there, while others work from the premise that the Church
is wrong and needs to defend its position.
Re: What might we know [Biblically] but not know?
So whatever I have concerning questions about the Bible would cause
me to see what the Church says and relieve my anxiety about my beliefs.
Re: What might we know [Biblically] but not know?
God bless you, Pat
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