“Faith” In the Times we Live
“Faith” and the World God has placed us in
Composed and researched by Pat Miron
Recently our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, was heard to make this statement: “
Today, “Faith” is in a greater crisis than at any time in history.”
This from a man not prone to hyperbole or even exaggeration. His Holiness went on to say: “ Faith” must gain in both knowledge [what we believe] and in practice [how we live and demonstrate our Faith.]”
So it seems reasonable to ask WHY?
Following the many warnings of his predecessor; Pope John Paul II, who spoke clearly and frequently on the dangers of the current [New] age and “Relativism,” ; the scourge and plague of Satan that has led to an amazing degree of self-reliance. “It’s only Wrong If I say it’s Wrong! That has spread to every nation, and touched people of every faith.
f we don’t have the one TRUE FAITH that Christ lived and died for, that Christ Himself taught, then we stumble [and MANY fall] into the sin-laden pit of:
Self Understanding
Self interpretation of Gods Holy Word which is an anti-biblical position ….
2nd. Peter Chapter One verse 20-21
Patrick j miron 1st example of Self delusion of scripture interpretation-- peter was speaking about saint paul understanding of O.T. prophecy-- the Torah
“First of all you must understand this,
that no prophecy of scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation,
because no prophecy ever came by the impulse of man, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God. “
2Pet.3: 16“peaking of this as he [PAUL] in all his letters.
There are some things in them hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other scriptures. “
Rom.10: 17“So faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes by the preaching of Christ”
1Tim.3: 15 “if I am delayed, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and bulwark of the truth“.
2nd example and understanding of patrick j miron deception of scripture interpretation--
singular-- or church is those who are baptized in the Holy Spirit
not someone who performs religious ceremonies--
invented by man made myths- outside of the TORAH
The CC. Nowhere is this more true than in the catholic Church where Jesus Christ resides in His Glorified Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.
Self Teaching is what patrick j miron is all about
1..Living by the standards we give ourselves
2. Practicing faith as WE CHOOSE, not the WAY Christ taught
3. Accepting as truth what we agree with and discarding everything that may require humility, suffering,
4..or others views of truth even when biblically supported.
Abiding by our OWN Moral standards, and at times, rejecting even “intrinsic evils”
Ignoring God’s Commandments in favor of these we have “written” for ourselves
Luke.17: 5“The
editor note--
this is before they got the mickva or baptism--of the Holy Spirit by Jesus
This was a prayer, a plea of the Apostles. If they needed greater faith; can we safely assume that you and I do not?
Evidence and signs of the urgent need for “TRUE Faith” [SINGULAR]
First, it might be helpful to point out that just as Christ Founded only One New Church, One New Covenant; One New Faith logically and factually which are intrinsically bound together, and like the Trinity itself cannot be separated.
[Despite the fact that for 400 years the Protestant communities have with great regularity , done just that.]
They ignore, or seek alternative understanding for Christ very own words. Words from a Perfect God who cannot error in what he meant to say. “Words have specific meanings” and God knowing full well that His words would be read and dissected for countless generations chose them with utmost care and prudence. Christ KNEW exactly what he was saying and Teaching, as verified by the understanding and practice of His One true Church. His Catholic Church. From “death unto life,” from Christ to the present and onward.
Denial of the ONLY One Church is anti-biblical; teaching against what the bible actual says.
warning delusional commentary
Denial of Just One Faith is anti-biblical; teaching against what the bible actually say’s
warning delusional commentary
Matt: 16:15-19 especially verse 19: Matt.16: 19 “I [JESUS] will give you [Peter and my New Church] the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”
Christ Catholic Church was the ONLY Christian Church,
warning delusional commentary not true-- constine and the roman origanazation -- changed the church Jesus instuded
19. The Early Church Fathers and the Sabbath |
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Some Sabbatarian Christians maintain that the Catholic Church changed the day of worship from Sabbath to Sunday, starting with a Sunday law enacted by Constantine the Great (306-337 A.D.) in 321 A.D. The assumption here is that Constantine put into place a religious law. But Constantine did not enact a Christian law, but a civil one. He could not have been a Catholic, since the Catholic Church as was known during the Reformation period was not even formally organized until several centuries later. It is even doubtful that he was even a Christian, though some make that claim. Christians by this time were already meeting together for worship on the first day of the week. Many, if not most, had been doing so for at least a couple centuries before Constantine arrived on the scene. They did not call this day Sunday, but rather referred to it as the Lord's Day, in honor of Christ's resurrection from the dead. The claim by the Catholic Church in some of their catechisms that they changed the sanctity of the Sabbath day to Sunday is not evidence that they actually did so. The New Testament does not anywhere make Sunday holy, neither does it make the Sabbath holy. The emphasis had been taken away from the day and placed on Christ, making the observance of particular days no longer necessary. The Catholic Church claims that Peter was the first Pope. It also claims that Mary, the mother of Jesus, is a co-regent with Christ in Heaven now. It is doubtful that most Sabbatarian Christians, if any at all, believe this. Why accept what the Catholic Church says regarding transferring the sanctity of the Sabbath day to Sunday, while not believing Peter to be the first Pope, or that Mary is a co-regent with Christ in Heaven? Scripture does not really portray Peter to be the first Pope, neither does it say that Mary currently is a ruler with Jesus in Heaven. She was no more a saint than any other Christian. And history does not support statements by the Catholic Church that they changed the day of worship from Sabbath to Sunday. This is an inconsistent argument that fails to make any sense. The early Christian Church fathers of the 1st and 2nd centuries A.D. did not consider the Sabbath day to be a day all Christians were obligated to observe. They gave a different testimony. While the following epistles and statements are not in Scripture and should therefore not be considered canonical, they help to provide useful historical information regarding prevalent beliefs of the early Church in its first centuries. Ignatius was bishop of Antioch in Syria (c. 1st-2nd century A.D.) and martyred in Rome by beasts (c. 105-116 A.D.). On his way to Rome, he visited and wrote to various churches, warning and exhorting them. He also wrote ahead to Rome to Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna. Ignatius warned the Church against heresies that threatened peace and unity, he opposed Gnosticism and Docetism, and in his Epistle to Smyrna, insisted that Christ came in the flesh not just in spirit. |
A Short History of Canon Law from Apostolic Times to 1917
Kenneth Pennington
The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.
as proven by secular history, warning delusional commentarywhen these words were spoken, written and included in the Canon of the Bible.
Eph. 2:19 So then you are no longer strangers and sojourners, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, [singular] built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure is joined together and grows into a holy temple in the Lord; [singular] in whom you also are built into it for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.
Eph. 4: 4 -8 “There is one body
( editor note ( if you are baptized in the Holy Spirit))
[One Church] and one Spirit, [One set of beliefs] just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call, one Lord,
[One God] one faith, [One set of doctrine and dogma] one baptism,[ By water in the Trinity] one God and Father of us all, who is above all and through all and in all.
But grace was given to each of us according to the measure of Christ’s gift. “
Friends, where is the lack of clarity and specificity in these passages?
Editor note--the absence of being baptised in the Holy Spirit is the reason for many deceptions in the catholic church and the sisters churches
We live in times where “Fallen away Catholics” are now the second largest religious group in America.
Fallen away Christians seem not to be tracked. Why is that? Perhaps it’s too difficult to tract THOUSANDS of churches and sets of belief?
The number of Protestant Faiths continues to increase daily.
Can there logically be THOUSANDS of sets of ”true- faith?” This is illogical and denies what Christ Himself Wills.
Agnostics [those claiming that there is NO GOD] have become MUCH, MUCH more vocal and visible, causing doubts and attracting many who are lazy and by choice, ignorant.
So what’s the answer?
Only God knows for sure.
But if all of us do not use the gifts given to us by God specifically in order that we might be able to Know Him, Love Him and Serve Him; we can expect the current faith crisis to worsen.
Isaiah 43: 7 “every one who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made.” 21the people whom I formed for myself that they might declare my praise.”
Each any everyone of us has been gifted with the Spiritual Gifts [similar to God’s own] of a “Mind, Intellect and freewill” which too, are intrinsically bound together, unable to be separated from our souls.
All of us have to get by the silly notion that we can Share in Christ Glory, without participating in His Suffering.
Rom.8: 17 “and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him”
Friends now is the time to review and reflect.
Am I where Christ wants me to be?
Do I know our faith?
Can I explain it to others?
Do I live my faith public ally?
Am I doing all that I can, all that Christ expects from me?
Each of us is asked to take our Faith to a higher lever.
More prayer, more frequent use of the Sacraments, more time with the Bible
[knowing that if your understanding does not agree with what the CC Teaches; it’s wrong.]
this is wrong- wrong
warning delusional commentary
No-one one “can make you do it.”
But God has placed us here in this time and place in order that we might freely choose to know, to love and to SERVE our God.
Faith and Salvation are at risk.
What can, what will I do about it?
PRAY for direction friends.
Love and prayers,
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