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![]() The List of Popes See also POPE, PAPAL ELECTIONS, ELECTION OF THE POPE. St. Peter (32-67) St. Linus (67-76) St. Anacletus (Cletus) (76-88) St. Clement I (88-97) St. Evaristus (97-105) St. Alexander I (105-115) St. Sixtus I (115-125) Also called Xystus I St. Telesphorus (125-136) St. Hyginus (136-140) St. Pius I (140-155) St. Anicetus (155-166) St. Soter (166-175) St. Eleutherius (175-189) St. Victor I (189-199) St. Zephyrinus (199-217) I have the entire list; but you get the idea ![]() God Bless and again we are delighted to have you with us ![]() pat /PJM
![]() ![]() http://working4christ2.wordpress.com Can we partake of God's GLORY and NOT partake of His PASSION? NO! A.B. Fulton Sheen: "The truth is the truth even if nobody believes it, and a lie is still a lie, even if everybody believes it." |
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PJM. I'm familiar with the list; but I appreciate your sharing. Information is a good thing and your post may benefit others who have not seen the list. Peace and blessings to you PJM, ![]() Anna
Anna Scott (Pen Name) “Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words.” ---St. Francis of Assisi |
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On the surface, the Catholic Church seems to be just one more church calling other churches “heretics” and “wolves in sheep’s clothing”, but that is only true superficially. The original meaning of “heretic” is one who holds to private opinion over against what Christians have believed throughout the ages. Also, unlike other churches who use the word heretic as one who is damned to hell, the Catholic Church teaches that many “heretics” will make it to heaven. For a person to be culpable for a mortal sin, he must do it willingly and with full knowledge that it offends God. Most people in other churches sincerely do not believe the Catholic Church is the true church. So they are not staying out the Catholic Church with the knowledge of offending God. So God will not hold it against them. In comparison, many Protestant churches, mostly in your Fundamentalist Church, see us Catholics as going to hell. It does not matter to them how sincere we are. Also, the Catholic Church teaches that anyone who is baptized under the Trinitarian formula is Christian. It does not mean that the baptized person is automatically saved, however. He must avoid committing deliberate mortal sin. But still the yardstick is very objective. In contrast, Evangelical may boast that they are “absolutely certain” of their salvation. But in my experience as an Evangelical for 12 years and a minister for 3 years, this is simply not true. Most Evangelical Christian are haunted by self-doubt, just as you are. “If the mark of a true Christian is that he is absolutely certain of his salvation, do my doubts mean that that I was never saved in the first place?” “If becoming a Christian means personally asking Jesus to be my Lord and Savior, how do I know that I did not hold back something from Jesus, so that never really accept Him as my Lord?” Their lives are filled with introspection.
But Jesus said that, although your faith is necessary for salvation, your faith can be as small as a mustard seed. When a Roman soldier came to Jesus and said “I believe, help my unbelief”, it was enough for Jesus to grant his request. Instead of worrying whether you have enough faith, work on having more love. [/quote] And everyone says, Whether you are or are not a Christian is between you and God. [/quote] That is what Protestants say. But the Catholic Church teaches that if you are baptized under the Trinitarian formula, you are a Christian. Period. You may be Catholic, Baptist, Seventh-Day Adventist, or Presbyterian, you are still a Christian. It does not mean that all Christians will go to heaven, but they are still Christians. If they retain the mustard-seed faith and avoid mortal sin, they will go to heaven. And the more they seek to grow in love to God and others, the more likely they will avoid mortal sin. |
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Sorry I don't know much about Anglican Catholics. Does the church believe in Transubstantiation?
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What evangelicals call "being a true Christian," Catholics call "being in a state of grace." In Catholic theology, you can't know for sure (though you can be reasonably confident) whether you are in a state of grace or not. This sounds scary to many folks, but in my opinion it's actually comforting, because it makes the terrifying question you ask in the OP entirely pointless and unnecessary. You don't need to delve into the depths of your soul to figure out if you are a "true Christian" or "have been saved." You look to the death of Jesus on the Cross, the power of the Resurrection, and the sacrament of baptism in which you died and rose again with Jesus. That's how you have been saved. Just keep looking to Jesus, not to your own soul. By the way, what I'm telling you is not just Catholic and/or Anglican--much of it is taken from Luther, whose views of salvation were quite different from those of modern evangelicals precisely in this way! Edwin
Affiliation: Episcopalian |
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Anglicans practice all the seven rites that Catholics call "sacraments," but not all Anglicans believe they are all sacraments, and Catholics don't think that most of our sacraments are valid, so I won't make a case for us as an exception to your statement. But the Orthodox certainly are. Edwin
Affiliation: Episcopalian |
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Thanks everyone. I am just so used to everyone telling me that being a Christian is a "piece of cake." And there are those who believe they are righteous and they feel more righteous if they are able to put someone else down.
Others may be trying to help, but they say things that confuse me, and try to present God to me as a "big, cuddly teddy bear." I know he is not an "ogre" either. But He won't put up with everything. So I guess that's a lot of my problem. People tell me to believe things about God or Christ that seem to contradict what I believe the Bible is saying. |
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If they teach you that becoming a christian is a piece of cake then they are telling you very much wrong. It is not a piece of cake by any means. God presents us his love and forgiveness and opens the way for a relationship with him through faith and repentance. He wants us to be changed on the inside as Jesus makes clear. That is not a piece of cake. He wants us to put our undoubting faith in his power to forgive us and love us and always be faithful to us. He wants us to be changed into a person who loves Him with all our heart and mind and our neighbor as ourself. Who would be so foolish as to call that a piece of Cake? We must desire it above all things yet at the same time be helpless to achieve it. We must depend on Gods help and as long as we doubt if we are a christian we must pray night and day for Gods grace to make us aware of how much we are forgiven, so Gods Love can enter our heart and change us. Paul taught "Be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind." God will do that for us if we ask for long enough as we respond to Gods high calling. It is not for the faint of heart. It is not a piece of cake. Rob |
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A believer stays a believer in these times the same way anyone's ever become a believer or stayed a believer in any given time. God saves and God sustains. God initially regenerates and indwells at the time when you initially become a newly transformed person in Christ, so it's good to think back to the time when God regenerated and initially indwelt you. Then think ahead a bit to see if God continued to live within you and do the things that He's promised to do. If you only come up with things that you've done and efforts on your own part and there's nothing that can be attributed to God's doing, that's probably the right answer- even if it's a scary one. But if God's done all that while being situated within you, praise God- and ask Him to continue doing some more specific things within you. Otherwise, you might have to ask Him to transform and indwell you first, wait for Him to do that, and then ask Him to do other stuff. Don't worry, you're not the only one. A lot of people feel the same way, but it's easy to feel embarrassed about bringing these doubts to light in a church setting. Most people spend months or years wrestling with it very privately, and if they ever do talk to someone about it, it's kept within a tight-knit group of people. Just my opinion, but I am hoping that you can find some Christians that you can trust implicitly- and more than that, I hope you can get involved with a small group that will allow you to work through all of this in that kind of setting. I'm glad that you're putting this out there because most people who feel the same way just say nothing for long periods of time if at all. I'm guessing that quite a few people who are reading this know how you feel from exoerience- if not right now, maybe at some point in the past, and in hindsight it's not uncommon for people to look back on that and wish they had the courage to do what you're doing. I fall in the latter group myself- and while it's not necessary for everyone or anyone else to weigh in, I want you to know that most of us know where you're coming from and are familiar with the difficulty of talking about it. That being said, it's my opinion that small-group interaction is the best thing you can do in this situation, and this type of forum-based interaction is good practice for getting yourself out there along with a tool that can help you find the best way to get stuff done. What that stuff is can be hard to say, and it can take a good deal of soul-searching to really figure out. That can be a part of the small-group experience too, though- you got people who can help you work through it and figure it out. |
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It is difficult to be a believer and stay one. While life can be short for some, it can be long for others. And with all that we have thrown at us, it's tempting to consider falling away or to lapse or get distracted by something. But that is part of the challenge. We are called to come back, to try again. And despite the fact that we will obviously fail many, many times, we have an all-forgiving God ready to pick up the mess we've made of ourselves. My personal opinion is that you are a Christian. One who is obviously struggling, but a Christian nonetheless. That you might be in lapse mode is certainly not a good thing, but it is normal for a Christian to question which denomination is the true Church and whether God is condemning or not. The only thing I can tell you is that, in everything, just honestly seek God. If you honestly seek God he will meet you where you are. And if you ask for wisdom to lead you to his Church, he'll lead you to it.
«...Conoscerete la verità, e la verità vi renderà liberi.». (Giovanni 8:32) Domine Iesu Christe, Fili Dei, miserere mei, peccatoris. |
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Thanks and I know everyone is right. I grew up in churches with people who tried to teach me otherwise. I'm not saying they are not saved or will not be, but some (at this point of their lives) kind of serve a "false-God." He is not the same one in the Bible. These people will acknowledge that God is loving, but they don't realize that He has to discipline us because of His love. It's like they have shoved God into a box, and say, "This is how He is. He is all modern, hip and cool. The standards He had years ago have changed." But many parts of the Bible say that God does not change, that He is always the same. We don't need to try to make God perfect; He already is. People's idea of perfect has changed. They think He needs to be "Santa Clause" or something to be loving. The truth was, if God ignored the problems in this world, we would be a lot worse off.
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A lot of people go to the extremes - either to them God is simply all loving and therefore never disciplines his children, or he is only fire and brimstone.
«...Conoscerete la verità, e la verità vi renderà liberi.». (Giovanni 8:32) Domine Iesu Christe, Fili Dei, miserere mei, peccatoris. |
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I just want to thank the Op for this thread. It has helped me immensely.
May God bless all of you. |
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i guess you have to remember if it is NOT in the TORAH -- then it is a man-made up ceremony just remember that moses-- assembled the Torah-- and God layed out the ceremonies-- that would be and receive a blessing from--HIM all these people "pretending" that they are receiving "spiritual grace" by performing some religious MAN-Made-UP -- ceremony and belief.. ya -sure-- there is some confusion of what Saint Paul wrote about-- as Peter said" no Torah scripture is 2 b interpreted for one's personal belief" so now every- 1 - is interpreting all of Saint Paul's writings to their own personal belief |
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